Posts Tagged climate policy forest
- Australia: A very high level of illegal clearing that the Minister is powerless to stop? - March 22nd, 2009
- USA: Global warming reinvigorates movement to end all commercial logging on federal lands - March 21st, 2009
- Why carbon sequestration / credits from forests not likely to be developed any time soon - March 17th, 2009
- Suriname: Will REDD destroy or preserve indigenous cultures & forests they depend on? - March 16th, 2009
- World governments! Take immediate action to halt deforestation and forest degradation - March 16th, 2009
- Indonesia: Losing US$1 Billion a year from release of stored carbon in forested peatlands - March 7th, 2009
- Southeast US: World Resources Institute & Toyota’s new plan to save forests - March 7th, 2009
- China: Landslides following Earthquakes have massive carbon footprint - March 5th, 2009