Christian top 10 reasons to speak out for the rainforest

Ten Reasons Why Saving the Rainforest is More Vital than Collecting
Litter, Changing to Low Energy Light Bulbs or even than Protecting
Most UK Nature: 1) In Danger of Extinction: Over 1/4 the world’s
mammals an Over 1/8 of the world’s higher plants (some now say over
1/4) 2) Extinction rates are proceeding at 1000 (maybe 10,000) times
as fast as when there were no human beings.

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3) Species are beautiful and interesting in their own right. We are no
longer able to see the Dodo, the Carrier Pigeon, the Woolly Mammoth –
species which have disappeared due to human activity. Is it fair that
future generations may not be able to see the Orang Utan, Mountain
Gorillas, the Chinese River Dolphin – because we have taken all their
habitat. 4) Species could have uses we do not yet know about. 5) CO2
from burning forests causes 1/5 of the global warming. 6) Collecting
litter is good – not dropping it is better – refusing to buy
over-packed goods at the supermarket is Best,

7) We cannot rely on Zoos to keep our rare species Look what happened to the zoo in Iraq when the Americans invaded, 8) It is necessary to have a decent sized gene pool to keep the species going – otherwise there can be
inbreeding. 9) Why is saving habitats and species more important than
changing light bulbs? After all using tungston bulbs uses four times as much energy – and can thus be responsible for the formation of four times as much CO2 – global warming gas. 10) Ah that leaves one more reason – I invite you
to suggest one! Future blogs will include I hope: Ten Tips for church
groups to “Save some rainforest”

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MeghanOctober 8th, 2009 at 2:24 pm


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